Unlock 1000+ property listings for FREEwith your website purchase
The presentation of your website design is the first impression
visitors get about your business in a few short seconds.
A great website can make all the difference to attract
high-value customers.
more sales
We look after real estate agents and agencies of all sizes by
delivering websites designed to make an impact, house more stock
to sell, and generate leads.
user-friendly simple navigation
designed to help you sell more
amplify your branding
compatible with screens of all sizes
Get instant free access to 1000+ off plan properties by trusted
Australian developers
Auto Project Listing
Enjoy access to a greater range of new project development
listings with pre-designed project microsites, automatically
published on a section of your website with your logo and
Enhance each listing with high resolution photos, Computer
Generated Images (CGIs), and detailed project information.
Bring in more leads and visitors into CRM
Our optimised webpage and innovative lead capture tools
generate more prospective clients and maximises conversion.
Lead generation focused
Project enquiry form with auto integration into CRM
Responsive design to suit all screen sizes
Manage your property listings
One on one consultation with our in-house web designer to
manage your content in the set up process, and add your
property listings with Proxima. Get your listings seen by more
people, so you can sell fast.